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Are you ready to get an agent?This is a question we get a lot. How do you know when you're ready to get an agent? Well - ask yourself the following question and you should have a pretty good idea. ARE YOUR PERFORMANCES INDUSTRY STANDARD? If you’ve decided to begin looking for an agent in Film and TV, you have hopefully been training on-camera at a reputable studio. When you train at AAS, your final class is your “showcase performance”. This is an on-camera audition that the Artistic Director reviews as a Casting Director would, and gives you detailed notes on where your performance is at, in comparison to what is expected in real audition rooms in the City, and what an audience expects to see from professional Film and TV actors – they want to be entertained! If you have been training consistently and have received positive feedback or had mentions from an Instructor or another Industry professional that has seen your work that they think you are ready for rep, you’ve completed the first (and most important step). If you try to secure an agent before you are ready, you will likely be unsuccessful because they will see that your work is not quite there yet in comparison to other actors on their roster. So take your time, hone your craft, and make sure your performances are at a level where you can handle the pressures of auditioning and deliver work that will help you start to build your reputation, and book work. Working actors are well-trained actors.
How do I find a reputable agent and their contact information?Purchase an IMDBPro account. Every actor should have one, as it provides a wealth of info and allows you to add photos and video to your own IMDB actor profile. Once you have IMDBPro, you can see the Agent contact info for any actor listed. Take a look at the list of what's currently filming in Toronto here - and research the cast from each show on IMDB. If you click on the “view agent” of each actor it will tell you the agency and agent that they are with. After some time doing research like this you will quickly have a list of about 15-20 agencies that come up time and time again. The agencies with working actors on their roster, are those you know can get actors in front of all of the major Casting Directors in the City, and really help you build your career.
What goes in my agent submission package?If you have received professional feedback on your work and believe you are ready, you will need to start putting together your Agent Submission Package. The materials you will send off to an agent are: HEADSHOT RESUME DEMO REEL VOICE DEMO – optional For more information on each of these please see the THE ACTORS TOOLS section of our FAQ page.
How do I submit to agencies?Take your time, and make each submission personal. Address the agent personally and take the time to research them and the agency to show that you are informed and want to submit to them for a particular reason. Email Structure: Introduce yourself as a Toronto-based actor currently seeking representation and explain why you are ready for an agent at this time (latest training, latest booking, etc.) As well as a quick sentence about why you are reaching out to them specifically. Ask them to review your submission package and provide links below (Google Drive or Dropbox links are great - do not send anything that needs to be downloaded (ex. WeTransfer - agents don't have time for this and may move on). Wrap up by requesting a meeting once they have a chance to review your material to see if you may be a fit for their roster. You can follow up 2-3 weeks after your email submission if you haven’t heard from them. If you don’t hear back after a follow up you can ask if they are getting your email, otherwise it is time to move on to the next agent on your list.
How do I prepare for my agent meeting?An agent has asked you to come in for a meeting – congratulations! This means that your headshot and demo reel have caught their eye and they think there may be a spot for you on their roster. They now want to see if you stack up in person and if you are someone they like and want to enter into a long standing business relationship with. Some agents may ask you to prepare scenes to audition live in the room, while most just want to meet you and get an understanding of how you conduct yourself in person and what kind of artist you are. PREPARING FOR THE MEETING • Research the agency -(IMDBpro) see who the other agents are at the agency as well as their clients. • Research the agent – google them try to see how long they’ve been in the industry, who their notable clients are, what past career they. • Prepare for their questions - How do you see yourself, what are your strengths as an actor? • Dress like you would on a first date – something that is clean, ironed, comfortable and feels like you at your best. • Bring a notepad and pen to the meeting and take notes. • Prepare your headshot and staple your resume to the back – bring it in a folder so that it is clean and unwrinkled. • Triple check the location of the agency and give yourself PLENTY of time – arrive 15 minutes early so that you are relaxed and ready to present your best self.
What questions should I come to my agent meeting prepared with?We suggest having at least 2-3 questions for the agent - this will be your most important professional relationship as an actor - you should have some questions! *Please note* the below questions are suggestions - ask questions that you genuinely want answered! Feel no need to ask all or any of these. The more confident and natural your conversation the more confident an agent will be that you can command an audition room. • Do you work with agencies in other cities (ie. Vancouver, Los Angeles)? OR do you submit on projects in those cities yourself? • What % commission do you charge? • Are there any fees over and above the commission you charge? • Do you work with both union and non-union talent? • Do you allow your roster to self-submit for projects? (Student films, etc.) • How did you decide to become an agent? What drew you to the industry? • What keeps you excited about the industry after all these years? How do you see it changing? • Who is one client you are particularly proud of what you’ve accomplished together? • What’s the biggest thing you see actors not doing that you think they should be to be more successful? • How many agents work at the agency? • Do you all work together or do you maintain separate rosters of talent? • If you are on vacation or away from the office, who handles your roster? • Will you represent me in all areas (film/tv/theatre/commercial/voice), or are there separate agents and departments for that? • Do you have any conflicts on your roster (ie. talent of a similar age with a similar look)? • How do you see me in the industry, what shows out there right now would you want to submit me for?
What happens after my agent meeting?After you've had your agent meeting take the time to do the following things: • Take note of how the meeting felt - what are your first impressions about the agent and the agency? Could you see yourself working well with this agent? What does your gut say? • Send a thank you note/email. • If asked to follow up after a certain time put it in your calendar and do it! • If agent said they will get back to you in certain time frame and haven’t you can follow up with them or their assistant.
What should I know about getting an offer from an agent?Sometimes agents will offer an actor a spot on their roster in the meeting. However most often they will say they need to think about it and that the actor should also think on it. Think about whether you see yourself working well with this agent, and if you have any other meetings set up go through with them. If you receive an offer and accept it be sure to let every other agent that has expressed interest know that you have signed and thank them for their time. The industry is small – don’t ever burn any bridges! If you take a meeting(s) and none of them result in an offer, don’t despair! This industry is competitive and requires discipline, persistence and a bit of luck with timing. The fact that you got a meeting(s) means you're on the right track – keep training, find your own work, and keep honing your craft and building your resume. In 6 months to a year you can film a new demo reel and re-submit to agents updating them on how you have progressed as an actor and asking them to look at your newest work. It’s a marathon not a sprint so focus on the work and keep going!
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